Ridha and rahma tang are attending the class..ubahlah menjadu kalimat sentence negatif and introgative?

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Ridha and rahma tang are attending the class..ubahlah menjadu kalimat sentence negatif and introgative?


Rumus :

(+) Subject + Tobe (am/are/is) + V-ing + complement.

(-) Subject + Tobe (am/are/is) + Not + V-ing + complement.

(?) Tobe (am/are/is) + Subject + V-ing + complement.


Ridha and rahma tang are attending the class.

(-) Ridha and rahma tang are not attending the class.

(?) Are Ridha and rahma tang attending the class?

Negative : ridha and rahma are not attending the class
interrogative : did ridha and rahma attend the class ? (past tense)
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