Rifath: Hi, Yoga. Come here. Yoga : Hello, Rifath. What’s up? Rifath: I heard that your poem will be published by the Creative Magazine. Is that true? Yoga : Yes, I have received the information sent to my e-mail lately. My poem will be published there in that magazine, along with the poem written by famous Indonesian writer. Rifath: You must be really excited about it. Yoga: I am! I think it can be one of best experiences in my life. Rifath: Well, I hope I can read your poem in the Creative Magazine. When will it be available in the bookstore? By the way, congratulations, Yoga. Yoga : Thank you. It will be available in the bookstore next week. Rifath: Okay. Questions: 1. Who are they in the dialogue? 2. What will be published in the Creative Magazine? 3. How did Yoga get the information about his poem? 4. Mention the congratulation expression in the dialogue? 5. Will the school magazine publish Yoga’s poem? 16 GP Bahasa Inggris X – Semester 1​

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Rifath: Hi, Yoga. Come here. Yoga : Hello, Rifath. What’s up? Rifath: I heard that your poem will be published by the Creative Magazine. Is that true? Yoga : Yes, I have received the information sent to my e-mail lately. My poem will be published there in that magazine, along with the poem written by famous Indonesian writer. Rifath: You must be really excited about it. Yoga: I am! I think it can be one of best experiences in my life. Rifath: Well, I hope I can read your poem in the Creative Magazine. When will it be available in the bookstore? By the way, congratulations, Yoga. Yoga : Thank you. It will be available in the bookstore next week. Rifath: Okay. Questions: 1. Who are they in the dialogue? 2. What will be published in the Creative Magazine? 3. How did Yoga get the information about his poem? 4. Mention the congratulation expression in the dialogue? 5. Will the school magazine publish Yoga’s poem? 16 GP Bahasa Inggris X – Semester 1​


Rifath: Hai, Yoga. Kemari. Yoga: Halo, Rifath. Ada apa? Rifath: Saya dengar puisi Anda akan diterbitkan oleh Majalah Kreatif. Benarkah itu? Yoga: Ya, saya telah menerima informasi yang dikirim ke email saya belakangan ini. Puisi saya akan dimuat di sana di majalah itu, bersama dengan puisi yang ditulis oleh penulis ternama Indonesia. Rifath: Anda pasti sangat bersemangat tentang itu. Yoga: Saya! Saya pikir ini bisa menjadi salah satu pengalaman terbaik dalam hidup saya. Rifath: Baiklah, saya harap saya bisa membaca puisi Anda di Majalah Kreatif. Kapan akan tersedia di toko buku? Omong-omong, selamat, Yoga. Yoga: Terima kasih. Buku itu akan tersedia di toko buku minggu depan. Rifath: Oke. Pertanyaan: 1. Siapa mereka dalam dialog? 2. Apa yang akan dipublikasikan di Majalah Creative? 3. Bagaimana Yoga mendapatkan informasi tentang puisinya? 4. Sebutkan ungkapan selamat dalam dialog? 5. Apakah majalah sekolah akan menerbitkan puisi Yoga?


Rifath: Hai, Yoga. Kemari. Yoga: Halo, Rifath. Ada apa? Rifath: Saya dengar puisi Anda akan diterbitkan oleh Majalah Kreatif. Benarkah itu? Yoga: Ya, saya telah menerima informasi yang dikirim ke email saya belakangan ini. Puisi saya akan dimuat di sana di majalah itu, bersama dengan puisi yang ditulis oleh penulis ternama Indonesia. Rifath: Anda pasti sangat bersemangat tentang itu. Yoga: Saya! Saya pikir ini bisa menjadi salah satu pengalaman terbaik dalam hidup saya. Rifath: Baiklah, saya harap saya bisa membaca puisi Anda di Majalah Kreatif. Kapan akan tersedia di toko buku? Omong-omong, selamat, Yoga. Yoga: Terima kasih. Buku itu akan tersedia di toko buku minggu depan. Rifath: Oke. Pertanyaan: 1. Siapa mereka dalam dialog? 2. Apa yang akan dipublikasikan di Majalah Creative? 3. Bagaimana Yoga mendapatkan informasi tentang puisinya? 4. Sebutkan ungkapan selamat dalam dialog? 5. Apakah majalah sekolah akan menerbitkan puisi Yoga? 16 GP Bahasa Inggris X – Semester 1 1

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