Rubahlah menjadi polite Instruction ! ” Go to school”​

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Rubahlah menjadi polite Instruction ! ” Go to school”​


Command :

1. close the door !

2. open the door !

3. turn off the lamp !

4. turn on the lamp !

5. sweep the floor !

6. erase the black board !

7. water the flower !

8. tend the garden !

9. do your homework !

10. go to bed !

Request :

1. can you help me to translate this novel, please ?

2. could you pass me the sugar for me ?

3. would you like to hand me the salt please ?

4. can you help me finish my homework, please ?

5. could you turn on the computer, please ?

6. can you clean the window, please ?

7. would you like to help me cooking ?

8. can you close the window, please ?

9. would you like to sleep over with me ?

10. can you solve the math problem for me ?

Prohibition :

1. don't step on the grass

2. no fishing here

3. no smoking here

4. don't park here

5. do not littering

6. don't sit on the bench

7. don't be noisy

8. no swimming here

9. do not speak loudly in the library

10. don't bother others
