Rumus simple past tense

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+ :
Contoh kalimat positif :
– :
Contoh kalimat negatif :
? :
Contoh kalimat tanya 3 buah :
Toling dibantu ……

Rumus simple past tense

+ / Positive  = She playing a game yesterday

– / Negative = She didn't play a game yesterday

? / Introgative  =

  1. Did she play a game yesterday?
  2. did he write a letter last week?
  3. Did mother give me a food yesterday?

=== PAST TENSE ===

Positive (+) : Subject + Past Verb (V²)

Example : I went to Jakarta last week

Negative (-) : Subject + didn't + Present Verb (V¹)

Example : I didn't go to Jakarta last week.

Interrogative (?) : Did + Subject + Present Verb (V¹)

Example : 1.) Did I go to Jakarta last week?

2.) Did you bite one piece of pizza

one hour ago?

3.)Did they play game last sunday?