Saya mintan langkah” menbuat mie istan dgn bhsa inggrisss

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Saya mintan langkah” menbuat mie istan dgn bhsa inggrisss

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1. buy a mie instant
2. put a bowl on the table
3. boil the water
4. kalo water udah boil cemplungkan the mie instant
5. wait till it boiled
6. serve it when warm

1. Fried noodles
How to cook fried instant noodles is as follows:
a. Boil noodles with water that has been boiled.
b. Once was enough swell and drain noodles for a few minutes.
c. Once drained, rinse the noodles with a new hot water (not hot residual cooking noodles).
d. Combine with the spices.
e. Enjoy your favorite fried noodles.

2. boiled noodles
How to cook instant noodles boiled is as follows:
a. Boil noodles with water that has been boiled.
b. Having already quite mature, drain noodles for a few minutes and dispose of water used stew noodles.
c. Once drained, pour the hot new as a liquid.
d. Enter the spices that have been available.
e. Enjoy your favorite boiled noodles.