Seasons in indonesia

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Indonesia has two season. they are rainy season and dry season. the rainy season is from november to april. the weather is cold and wet. you need to bring an umbrella and a raincoat.the dry season is from may to october. the weather is hot and dry. you need to put on cap or hat. many season in indonesia…..

2.when is the rainy season?

3.what do we need to bring when the rainy season? is the weather in the dry season?

5.seasons in indonesia?

Seasons in indonesia

1.Two season
2.November to april
3.Bring an umbrella
4.Hot and dry
5.Has two season
Semoga Membantu…

1. 2 seasons
2.the rainy season is from november to april
3.umbrella and a raincoat
4.dry season is from may to october. the weather is hot and dry
5.Rainy season and dry season

Semoga bermanfaat ^^
srry kl salah