Sebutkan 10 kalimat instruction dan responnya

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Sebutkan 10 kalimat instruction dan responnya

Kalimatnya: ( cuma tau 5, maaf ya )
– Come in please!
– Please put the book on the table!
– Clean the whiteboard, please!
– Please open the window!
– Let's go to the canteen

respon: ( cuma tau 7 :(( )
– Thank you
– Alright
– Yes, ma'am
– Of course
– Okay
– Sure
– Sorry, i'm busy

semoga membantu 🙂

1.Mr.Zacky:come in,please!
student :thank you
2.Mr.Zacky:please,put the book on the table!
student. :all right
3.Mr.Zacky:clean the whiteboard,please!
student:yes Mr.Zacky
4.Mr.Zacky:please,open the window!
student:of course
5.Mr.Zacky:then,draw something by clicking a new canvas and be creative from it!
student:okay sir,we will try.
6.Mrs.Ranti:open the door, please!
Indian:yes,I do
Maaf kalo salah…