Sebutkan komunitas eksport dan inport di indonesia

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Sebutkan komunitas eksport dan inport di indonesia

Export and Import Commodities in Indonesia

A. Export Commodities

Export commodities are goods from Indonesia that are sold abroad, Examples of exports carried out by the Indonesian state include:

Agricultural products and marine products: rubber latex, tea, black pepper, white pepper, coffee, rattan, shrimp, tuna and others. Industrial products: apparel plywood, tin, aluminum, palm oil. Mining products outside oil and gas: Copper beans, nickel seeds, bauxite, coal. Forest products: wood, rattan, incense, resin, woven goods, furniture, and so on.

B. Import Commodities

Import Commodities are goods that are lifted from abroad, which include:

Consumption, food and beverage ingredients for households, transportation equipment fuel, etc. Raw and auxiliary materials, including food and beverages for industry, industrial raw materials, fuels and lubricants, parts and others Capital goods, including factory machinery, tractors, and motorized vehicles.