Selasa, 1 mei 2018, saya pergi ke malang bersama keluarga saya, disana saya pergi ke rumah tante saya. Ke esokan harinya saya pergi ke gedung rahmatul umah ,disana saya mengisi pelepas kaka kelas 9. Di hari jumat, saya main bersama teman teman saya, tetapi tidak pergi kemana mana. Keesokannya saya pergi ke giant, sebelum ke giabt saya menjemput teman di sekolah . Di hari libur tetakhir saya diajak orang tua saya pergi ke surabaya, tujuan saya dan orang tua saya kesana memcari barang untuk persiapan pernikahan kaka saya, sekian yang bisa saya sampaikan tolong translatekan dalam bahasa inggris verb 2
Tuesday, May 1st 2018, i arrived to Malang city with my family. There I go to my aunt's home. Next day, i go to Rahmatul Umah's Building, there i'm performer for senior's graduation of IX class. At friday, i'm playing with my friends, but we don't go anywhere. Next day, i go to the Giant market, before it, i'm picked up my friends. In my last holiday, my parents invited me to go to the Surabaya city, my aim and my parents go there for find a things for my (sister/brother)'s wedding preparation.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018, I went to Malang with my family, there I went to my aunt's house. The next day I went to rahmatul umah building, where I filled the 9th grader, on Friday I played with my friends, but did not go anywhere. The next day I went to giant, before going to my giant to pick up friends at school. On the last holiday I was invited my parents went to surabaya, my goal and my parents there looking for goods for my sister's wedding preparation.
Sekian jawaban dari saya 🙂