Short message

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To : amri (chairperson of 9 A)
Please forward to other. Due to the long holiday. All students must complete their writing assignment. The assignment must be submitted before August 10^th

Mr susilo
1. What can we conclude from the text?
A. Amri and his classmates have to submit their assigntment before holiday comes
B. Amri is the chairman of his class
C. Mr. Susilo is the headmaster of amri's
D. The writing assignment is obligated to students from all grades

Baca cermat cermat pake penjelasan mnurut mu?

Short message

A.Amri and his classmates have to submit their assigntment before holiday comes

A amri and his classmates have to sumbit their assigntment before holiday comes..
saya memilih itu karena didalam pesan pendek itu mr susuilo menyuruh amir mengumpulkan assignment sebelum 10 th augst dikarenakan tanggal itu sudah liburan..
maaf kli salah sekian terima kasih
jngn mrh klo jwbannya slh yy