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37. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago.
a. ate
b. eaten
c. eating
d. eat​

38. Maria … to market yesterday.
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. gone

39. She bought a t-shirt …
a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. next week
d. he day after tomorrow

40. It … small size.
a. does
b. do
c. are
d. was

41. They … in football field.
a. is
b. was
c. were
d. does

42. We … dinner last week.
a. had
b. did
c. were
d. are

43. She …. sad last night
a. were
b. was
c. is
d. do

44. I … his car last night.
a. drive
b. am
c. drove
d. driving

45. Mechanic … broken machine.
a. does
b. fix
c. fixed
d. have

46. He … not come to my party yesterday.
a. has
b. does
c. having
d. did

47. They…… so fast yesterday morning.
a. run
b. ran
c. running
d. runs

48. We……movie last night.
a. watching
b. watch
c. watches
d. watched

49. A year ago, I…….at SMPN 6 Banjarmasin.
a. studies
b. studying
c. studied
d. study

50. Last year I…… to Japan.
a. is travel
b. traveled
c. traveling
d. will travel


37. ate
38. went
39. yesterday
40. was
41. were
42. had
43. was
44. drove
45. fixed
46. did
47. ran
48. watched
49. studied
50. traveled

37) a. ate
38) c. went