Sistem ekonomi yang berperan dalam menyebarkan globalisasi ke seluruh dunia adalah​

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Sistem ekonomi yang berperan dalam menyebarkan globalisasi ke seluruh dunia adalah​


Economic globalization is the increasing economic integration and

interdependence of national, regional and local economies across the

world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods,

services, technologies and capital. Globalization leads to freer trade

between countries. This is one of its largest benefits to developing

nations. Homegrown industries see trade barriers fall and have access to

a much wider international market. While an influx of foreign companies

and foreign capital creates a reduction in overall unemployment and

poverty, it can also increase the wage gap between those who are

educated and those who are not. Over the longer term, education levels

will rise as the financial health of developing countries rise, but in the

short term, some of the poor will become poorer. Not everyone will

participate in an elevation of living standards. According to Islamic

economics, economic globalization should be done using appropriate

approaches so as not to cause a lot of problems that could potentially

harm the countries that are developing. The approach used should be

based on fairness and equality in human interaction, and a

multidisciplinary approach that covers all aspects of human life, moral,

intellectual, social, historical, demographic, and political.

Keywords: Economic Globalization, Islamic Economics, Developing Countries.


Sejak pertama kali ilmu ekonomi

diakui sebagai cabang ilmu tersendiri

dengan munculnya buku yang sangat

terkenal ³The Inquiry Into The Nature

and Causes of The Wealth of Nation¥

(1776) oleh Adam Smith, persoalan

pembangunan ekonomi, belum banyak

dibicarakan. Masalah ini baru aktual

setelah perang dunia kedua (PD II),

(Arsyad, 1999: 4). Saat itu negara-negara

yang baru merdeka berusaha mengejar

ketertinggalannya, sehingga muncullah

ekonomi pembangunan yang selanjutnya

selalu dihubungkan dengan negara-

negara baru merdeka atau negara-negara

sedang berkembang (NSB) atau juga

disebut negara-negara dunia ketiga

(Gilarso, 1992:428).

Usaha NSB ini ternyata mendapat

perhatian besar dari negara dunia

pertama dengan memberikan bantuan-

bantuan, baik berupa hibah (grant)

maupun pinjaman lunak atau dalam

bentuk bantuan teknik dan tenaga ahli,

bahkan bantuan untuk melakukan st