So basically, I have this manhwa that I read a long time ago and I forgot he name of it and I’m still searching. So the basic plot line, according to my memory, is that this guy gets trapped in VR game, sort of like SAO but it’s only this guy, and he’s respawned as a skeleton. He starts to control all the other skeletons and there was this other girl, a player, that think that the skeleton (MC) is like a hidden quest in the story so she helps the MC evolution to a Vampire and that’s where I last dropped it. If you have any idea of what this manhwa is please like tell me. I’ve been looking for like 2 hours and can’t find anything.

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So basically, I have this manhwa that I read a long time ago and I forgot he name of it and I’m still searching. So the basic plot line, according to my memory, is that this guy gets trapped in VR game, sort of like SAO but it’s only this guy, and he’s respawned as a skeleton. He starts to control all the other skeletons and there was this other girl, a player, that think that the skeleton (MC) is like a hidden quest in the story so she helps the MC evolution to a Vampire and that’s where I last dropped it. If you have any idea of what this manhwa is please like tell me. I’ve been looking for like 2 hours and can’t find anything.


Jadi pada dasarnya, saya memiliki manhwa yang telah saya baca sejak lama dan saya lupa namanya dan saya masih mencari. Jadi garis plot dasarnya, menurut ingatan saya, adalah bahwa orang ini terjebak dalam gam VR seperti SAO tapi hanya orang ini, dan dia respawn sebagai kerangka. Dia mulai mengendalikan semua kerangka lainnya dan ada gadis lain, seorang pemain, yang mengira kerangka itu (MC) seperti misi tersembunyi dalam cerita, jadi dia membantu evolusi MC menjadi Vampir dan di sanalah saya terakhir kali melepaskannya. Jika Anda tahu apa manhwa ini, tolong beri tahu saya. Saya telah mencari selama 2 jam dan tidak dapat menemukan apa pun.



Basically, i knew 2 manhwas that the character was a skeleton.

1.Skeleton Soldier Couldn't Protect the Dungeon

2.Skeleton knight in another world

Please check this manhwa, maybe u've been looking for 1 of the manhwa that i put the titles here.