State True or False based on the text above!

Posted on

1. It is better for our written works keep in our portfolios (…)
2. The written agrees with his/her friends to discuss about wall magazine soon (…)
3. The writer's writing about local animals got an A (…)
4. They will talk about the wall magazine more seriously tomorrow (…)
5. The writer is a student of SMP Budi Luhur (…)
6. The writer has never visited SMP Budi Luhur (…)
7. All items in the wall magazine of SMP Budi Luhur were written in English (…)
8. The news at the wall magazine was written by students and teachers (…)
9. The wall magazine has published she news of the football match only (…)
10. The writer's school hadn't started their wall magazine (…)

cerita nya yang diatas ya!

State True or False based on the text above!

State True or False based on the text above!

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

State True or False based on the text above!

1. It is better for our written works keep in our portfolios (False)

2. The written agrees with his/her friends to discuss about wall magazine soon (True)

3. The writer's writing about local animals got an A (False)

4. They will talk about the wall magazine more seriously tomorrow (False)

5. The writer is a student of SMP Budi Luhur (False)

6. The writer has never visited SMP Budi Luhur (False)

7. All items in the wall magazine of SMP Budi Luhur were written in English (True)

8. The news at the wall magazine was written by students and teachers (False)

9. The wall magazine has published she news of the football match only (False)

10. The writer's school hadn't started their wall magazine (True)


When we were visiting SMP Budi Luhur, I was interested in their wall magazine. There was a short story a recipe of Es Teler, some wise words, and many others. All were written in English! And all were written by students, not by teachers. Amazing! They also had the match and they wanted it as the headline. I think it will make the football team work harder. Right! By the way, we have always put to have a wall magazine in our school, don't we? Why don't we start our wall magazine now? Remember we already have many good works in English in our portfolios. They are good enough to publish I think.


Ketika mengunjungi SMP Budi Luhur, aku tertarik dengan mading mereka. Ada cerita pendek sebuah resep es teler, bberapa kata bijak, dan banyaj lainnya. Semua ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Semua ditulis oleh siswa, bukan guru. Luar biasa! mereka juga mengadakan pertandingan dan menginginkan sebagai headline. Aku pikir ini akan membuat tim sepakbola bekerja lebih giat. Benar! Omong-omong, kami selalu ingin meletakkan semuanya di mading bukan? Mengapa kita tidak memulai mading kita sekarang?

1. It is better for our written works keep in our portfolios (False)

Correction: Their works had been keep in our portfolios  

2. The written agrees with his/her friends to discuss about wall magazine soon (True)

3. The writer's writing about local animals got an A (False)

Correction: The writers do not write about local animals

4. They will talk about the wall magazine more seriously tomorrow (False)

Correction: They don't talk about the wall magazine tomorrow

5. The writer is a student of SMP Budi Luhur (False)

Correction: the writer is not a student of SMP Budi Luhur

6. The writer has never visited SMP Budi Luhur (False)

Correction: he writer visited SMP Budi Luhur

7. All items in the wall magazine of SMP Budi Luhur were written in English (True)

8. The news at the wall magazine was written by students and teachers (False)

Correction: The news at the wall magazine was written by students

9. The wall magazine has published she news of the football match only (False)

Correction: They published a short story a recipe of Es Teler, some wise words, and many others.

10. The writer's school hadn't started their wall magazine (True)

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  1. Dialog Giving opinion
  2. Opinion text


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Giving opinion

Kode: 8.5.2

Kata Kunci: Opinion text, True False