Storm To Perform: The 4 Stages Of Team Productivity

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Your team needs to communicate clearly and, rely on one another rather than turn on each other. This is a crucial point in team development where leaders can pinpoint bottlenecks, areas of improvement and couple them with team strengths to build forward momentum. It’s the time where your team learns about upcoming projects and structures. Here, it’s typical for teammates to feel excited, anxious, and curious about what lies ahead.

4 phases of team development

In 1965, Bruce Tuckerman postulated the 4 stages of group development when building a team. It’s important to understand these stages as a team developer. Each one consists of different behaviors which are driven by the team members’ needs. Understanding these needs and behaviors are essential in guiding the team to success. Each stage of team development doesn’t necessarily take just as much time as the one that comes after it, nor the one before it. In the performing stage, you’ll notice fluidity with communication and overall conversations.

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This is demonstrated through high morale, productivity and engagement. It’s an ideal state for any manager to witness their team’s growth and ask reflective questions. This is because your team recognizes how they can trust you and each other in order to complete tasks, move towards their objectives and rely on each other for help.

  • During the Norming stage, the leader should continue to encourage members to share their opinions, even if they disagree.
  • Motivators would increase job satisfaction while the hygiene factors would reduce job dissatisfaction.
  • In this stage, the team shares a vision and more open communication.
  • However, people have mixed feelings about working in teams.
  • Some agree that two heads are better than one, while others feel like they’ll get more work done if they just do it themselves.

The adjourning stage is an important way of providing closure, and it can help team members successfully move on to the next work project or team with the sense of a job well done. The most commonly used method was created by Bruce W. Tuckman in the 1960s. Stages include forming, storming, norming, performing and termination/ending. Understanding what to expect and the importance of each stage improves the experience of working with a team and helps increase the likelihood of success.

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Team performance increases during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus on team goals. However, the harmony is precarious, and if disagreements re-emerge the team can slide back into storming. In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been accomplished. The emphasis is on wrapping up final tasks and documenting the effort and results. As the work load is diminished, individual members may be reassigned to other teams, and the team disbands.

4 phases of team development

Boost motivation by helping your employees understand why their work matters. In this free ebook, learn how to create a shared sense of purpose on your team. Psychologist Bruce Tuckman was the first to document the different phases that teams go through as they develop. In this article, we discuss the different stages of group development and how you can guide your team through them to optimize collaboration. There is little intervention needed from leadership at this stage, but it is important to continue providing support where needed to prevent the team from lapsing back into the storming stage.

Team Norms and Cohesiveness

Table 1 below summarizes the qualities and obstacles of effective team work. Bruce Tuckman’s theory of the five stages of development has been widely used in all aspects of educational and business paradigms. Each stage emphasizes commonly experienced behaviours that are consistently present in the group and team dynamics (Stein, as cited in McShane et al., 2018). In most professional circumstances there will be instances where employees will need to work together to complete a common goal or task. These situations can often be the cause of frustration, anxiety, and burnout for one or all members involved in the group (Mastering 5 Stages, n.d.).

Storming involves each person getting comfortable with their role in the hierarchy and their interactions with the other team members. Everyone knows the challenges of coordinating a team – no matter how small the size or how miniscule the project, conflict will arise in some form. Generally the forming stage has the team starting on whatever larger project that they have been assigned.

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During the Norming stage, members shift their energy to the team’s goals and show an increase in productivity, in both individual and collective work. The team may find that this is an appropriate time for an evaluation of team processes and productivity. At each step, it should be remembered that at no point should a leader be focusing solely on productivity. He or she is working with people, afterall and is working to build genuine relationships. A good leader is someone who knows how to build these relationships genuinely and reap the results of productivity as a secondary reward.

In addition to observing small group behavior, Tuckman studied over 50 articles on team development and identified trends that were common in all of his research. In this model, Tuckman identifies four stages teams go through and his idea was 4 phases of team development that if a team understands the stage they are in they will be more likely to work together successfully. A team can revert back to a previous stage if goals or team members change. These stages are Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.

Stage 2: Storming stage

Project scheduling is a critical and crucial part of project management and planning. It’s the yellow-brick-road that, when followed, will lead you to the gleaming project closure right on time. Focus on building a shared understanding across your team and with stakeholders. Older, well-established teams can also cycle back through the stages as their circumstances change.

4 phases of team development

Our discussion so far has focused mostly on a team as an entity, not on the individuals inside the team. This is like describing a car by its model and color without considering what is under the hood. External characteristics are what we see and interact with, but internal characteristics are what make it work. In teams, the internal characteristics are the people in the team and how they interact with each other. Another possible outcome in the adjourning phase is that the team may have worked so well together that the organization assigns them to another project, hoping to achieve the same level of success.

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