Study the sentences below!

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I like a red apple. I don't like a green apple.

Father wears a white shirt. He doesn't wear a black shirt.

Alya and Nita like a pink flower.

They don't like a white flower.

Putri use a pink bag. She doesn't use a red bag.

Mr. Wijaya likes a silver car. He doesn't like a black car.

The students like brown books. They don't like gray books.

Study the sentences below!

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Study the sentences below!

  1. I like a red apple. I don't like a green apple.
  2. Father wears a white shirt. He doesn't wear a black shirt.
  3. Alya and Nita like a pink flower.
  4. They don't like a white flower.
  5. Putri use a pink bag. She doesn't use a red bag.
  6. Mr. Wijaya likes a silver car. He doesn't like a black car.
  7. The students like brown books. They don't like gray books.


Kalimat-kalimat di atas mengandung expression of like and dislike.

Expression of like adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa senang terhadap sesuatu.

Contoh pada soal di atas: I like a red apple, dst.

Sedangkan, expression of dislike adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa ketidaksenangan terhadap sesuatu.

Contoh pada soal di atas: I don't like a green apple, dst.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang contoh like and dislike expression
