Subject dari text ini adalah Opera refers to a dramatis tic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor’s dramatic performance is primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra.

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Subject dari text ini adalah Opera refers to a dramatis tic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor’s dramatic performance is primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra.


Subjek dari teks ini adalah Opera mengacu pada bentuk seni dramatis, yang berasal dari Eropa, di mana konten emosional disampaikan kepada penonton melalui musik, baik vokal maupun instrumental, seperti melalui lirik. Sebaliknya, dalam teater musikal, pertunjukan dramatis seorang aktor adalah yang utama, dan musik memainkan peran yang lebih kecil. Drama dalam opera disajikan dengan menggunakan unsur-unsur utama teater seperti pemandangan, kostum, dan akting. Namun, kata-kata dalam opera, atau libretto, lebih banyak dinyanyikan daripada diucapkan. Para penyanyi diiringi oleh ansambel musik mulai dari ansambel instrumental kecil hingga orkestra simfoni lengkap.