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hai! mau nanya ni. aku agak pusing karena kecapekan. jadi mohon bantuannya..
silahkan buka gambarnya terimakasih..^^



Itu menceritakan kunjungan mu kemana saja kamu berlibur contoh yah

i once visited museum mpu tantular
event 1 : i see many visitors in there
event 2 : this place is beautiful
event 3 :many old things in there
event 4 : i so take a photo for my collection
sampai event terakhir trus
i felt i must go in there every holiday

kurang lebih begitu

I once visited my grandpa in bogor for my holiday
on the first day i went to my grandpa farm there is a lot of rice plant that is ready to crescent. i helped him to bring the rice plant into his container before continued to another proccess
on the second my grandpa took me to his tree house near his farm it was so beautiful when i was climbing i looked around and felt so calm
i felt so tired but i felt happy too because i've a new amazing experience from my love grandpa