Sunita carries out an experiment to investigate diffusion. She uses water and a food dye to find out how the volume of water used affects the time the dye takes to spread evenly through the water. Her prediction is that the more water she uses, the longer the time needed for the dye to spread through it. Which variable should she measure?

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Sunita carries out an experiment to investigate diffusion. She uses water and a food dye to find out how the volume of water used affects the time the dye takes to spread evenly through the water. Her prediction is that the more water she uses, the longer the time needed for the dye to spread through it. Which variable should she measure?


Sunita melakukan eksperimen untuk menyelidiki difusi. Dia menggunakan air dan pewarna makanan untuk mengetahui bagaimana volume air yang digunakan memengaruhi waktu yang dibutuhkan pewarna untuk menyebar secara merata ke seluruh air. Prediksinya adalah semakin banyak air yang digunakannya, semakin lama waktu yang dibutuhkan pewarna untuk menyebar ke dalamnya. Variabel mana yang harus dia ukur?


semoga bermanfaat ^_^