Supply the competitive and superlative from of the adjective in brackets!

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1.Living in Jakarta is (expensive) …….. living in small city.
2.This test is(difficult) ……… the test of yesterday.
3.Stay at home is (good) …… go without purpose.
4.I fell (happy) …… I did yesterday. ​

Supply the competitive and superlative from of the adjective in brackets!

berikan bentuk kata sifat yang kompetitif dan superlatif dalam tanda kurung!

1.Tinggi di Jakarta adalah (mahal).. tinggal di kota kecil.

2.Tes ini (sulit )…

Ujian kemarin.

3.Tetal di rumah (baik)…

Pergi tanpa tujuan.

4.1. Jatuh (senang)…..saya lakukan kemarin..

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