Susunlah kalimat acak ini menjadi kalimat yang padu.

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1. purse – small – pink – grabbed – in front of me – an antique – the thief – beutiful.
2. brown – saw – i – the – enormous – reddish – in the zoo – monkey.
3. leather – always – wears – my sister elegant – purse – American – expensive.
4. house on the hill – bought – an interesting – father blue – small.
5. me – gives – bag – an expensive – brown blue – Anita – leather – school bag.
6. japan – i – two – thril – stupid – funny – from – Andir – comics – borrowed.
7. sitting beside her – an ungly – small – black – slim – is – Indian – there – man.
8. sword – he – stealing – denied – wooden – my – from my room – luxiorious.
9. silly – the complicated – to – answer – know – don't – how – i – Chinese test.
10. yesterday – shoot – small – my uncle – brown – young – the unique – dear.

pleasee….. tolong bantu jawab ya…

Susunlah kalimat acak ini menjadi kalimat yang padu.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Untuk mengurutkan kalimat, biasanya noun (kata benda) lah yang ada di depan sebagai subyek.

Jadi kalau ada pilihan kata-katanya "go", "You", "School", biasanya kita akan pilih "You" sebagai kata pertama untuk subyek.

Adjectives (kata sifat) punya fungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada urutan penempatan adjectives

  1. Determiner (a, an, the, some, several, dll)
  2. Opinion (beautiful, ugly, smart, stupid, dll)
  3. Size (big, small, long, short, dll)
  4. Age (old, young, new, ancient, dll)
  5. Shape (round, cube, fat, thin, dll)
  6. Color (black, yellow, red, blue, dll)
  7. Origin (American, Indonesian, dll)
  8. Material (plastic, cotton, rubber, wool, dll)
  9. Purpose (badminton, school, dll)

Baru kata bendanya. Tentu ga semua dipakai sekaligus, tapi itulah urutannya.


1. The thief grabbed an antique beautiful small pink purse in front of me.

(harusnya: a beautiful antique small pink purse, tapi soalnya langsung menggabungkan "an" sama "antique")

2. I saw the enormous reddish brown monkey in the zoo.

3. My sister always wears expensive elegant American leather purse.

4. Father bought an interesting small blue house on the hill.

5. Anita gives me an expensive brown blue school bag.

(Boleh dicek lagi di soalnya apakah warnanya ada 2, dan apakah kata "bag" ada 2)

6. I borrowed two stupid funny Japan comics from Andir.

(Saya ga pakai kata "thril" karena ga ada artinya dalam Bahasa Inggris)

7. There is an ugly small slim black Indian man sitting beside her.

(Boleh dicek lagi di soalnya apakah size nya ada 2)

8. He denied stealing my luxurious wooden sword from my room.

9. I don't know how to answer the complicated silly Chinese test.

10. Yesterday my uncle shoot the unique small young brown dear.

(Boleh dicek lagi di soalnya apakah katanya "shoot" atau "shot", "dear" atau "deer")

Semoga membantu ^^

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Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 5

Kode: 10.5.5

Kata kunci:  descriptive adjectives, order of adjectives