Susunlah kata kata dibawah ini menjadi kalimat kalimat yang benar dan terjemakanlah

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1. the tourist the big is for looking hotel
2 .how is your school from the house far?
3 .is what opposite the bank
4 . the bank can tell you the way me? to
5.want to some surabaya in we places go to
6.the mosque the way where excuse me? is to
7.the tourist the big is for looking hotel
8. how is your school from the house far?
9.there are hotels on jl merapi some
10. want to some surabaya in we places go to

plis ya…. dijawab susun terus di artikan

Susunlah kata kata dibawah ini menjadi kalimat kalimat yang benar dan terjemakanlah

1)The tourist is looking for the big hotel
Arti : Turis sedang mencari hotel yang besar
2)How far is your school from the house?
Arti : Seberapa jauh sekolahmu dari rumah?
3)What is opposite the bank?
Arti : Apa yang berlawanan dengan bank?
4)Can you tell me the way to the bank?
Arti : bisakah kamu menunjukkan jalan menuju bank?
5)We want to go to some places in Surabaya
Arti : Kami ingin pergi ke beberapa tempat di Surabaya
6)Excuse me,where is the way to the mosque?
Arti : Permisi,dimana jalan menuju masjid?

9)There are some hotels on Jln.Merapi
Arti : Ada beberapa hotel di jalan Merapi.

No 7,8,10 sudah dijawab di nomor nomor sebelumnya…