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Today I learnt some amazing facts about Australian geography. For example, do you know the answer of this question: what is the longest river in Australia? Most of the kids in my class answered 'Murray River' . We were wrong. Whilst the Murray river is the biggest river system in Australia, The longest river is Darling river, which runs for about 2720 kilometres. We also learnt that Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. I was surprised. Our teacher told us that our population is so much smaller than other countries because most of our continent is dry and is not able to support so many million of people. Did you know that Australia's desert region is called Western plateau? It covers nearly two thirds of Australia! Isn't that amazing?

Reply soon,

Question :
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Two thirds of Australia is a desert region
B. Robin's entire class answered a geography question incorrectly
C. Robin learnt some amazing facts about Australia geography



1. Apa ide utama paragraf?


C. Robin learnt some amazing facts about Australia geography

(Robin mempelajari beberapa fakta menakjubkan tentang geografi Australia).