Task 1

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Read the text carefully!
Last month I spent three days in Bali. On the first day, I went sightseeing to Kuta beach. I swam there
and surfed. Some of friends did sunbathing. In the evening we enjoyed the sunset. It was so beautiful.
Then, at night I went to the restaurant near the hotel. I tried to eat some Indonesian food. I enjoyed "Soto
Kudus" very much. It was so delicious.
On the second day, I went to Pura Besakih. It is on the side of Mount Agung, Bali's tallest mountain.
It is large, beautifully located and well-kept. I met the Balinese prayed there. On the last day, I did
shopping. I bought some souvenirs in Denpasar. I had two traditional T-shirt and the painting of Balinese
It was a great time in my life. And someday I hope I could visit Bali again.
tolong diartikan:/​

Task 1



Read the text carefully! (Baca teks berikut dengan seksama!)

Last month, I spent three days in Bali (Bulan lalu, saya menghabiskan waktu selama tiga hari di Bali)

On the first day, I went sightseeing to Kuta beach (Pada hari pertama, saya pergi jalan-jalan ke Pantai Kuta)

I swam there and surfed (Saya berenang disana dan berselancar)

Some of friends did sunbathing (Beberapa teman berjemur)

In the evening, we enjoyed the sunset. It was so beautiful (Pada sore hari/ petang, kami menikmati matahari terbenam. Itu sangat indah)

Then, at night I went to the restaurant near the hotel. (Kemudian, pada malam hari saya pergi ke restoran yang berada dekat dari hotel)

I tried to eat some Indonesian food (Saya mencoba memakan makanan Indonesia)

I enjoyed "Soto Kudus" very much (Saya sangat menikmati Soto Kudus)

It was so delicious (Itu sangat lezat)

On the second day, I went to Pura Besakih (Pada hari kedua, saya pergi ke Pura Bekasih)

It is on the side of Mount Agung, Bali's tallest mountain (Itu berada di samping Gunung Agung, gunung tertinggi di Bali)

It is large, beautifully located and well-kept (Itu besar, lokasi yang indah, dan terawat dengan baik)

I met the Balinese prayed there (Saya bertemu dengan orang Bali yang berdoa disana)

On the last day, I did shopping (Pada hari terkahir, saya berbelanja)

I bought some souvenirs in Denpasar (Saya membeli beberapa suvenir di Denpasar)

I had two traditional T-shirt and the painting of Balinese Dancers (Saya memiliki dua kaos tradisional dan lukisan Penari Bali)

It was a great time in my life (Itu adalah saat yang baik dalam hidup saya)

And someday I hope I could visit Bali again (Dan saya berharap suatu hari saya dapat mengunjungi Bali kembali)

Semoga membantu