Task 1

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Arrange the jumbled paragraphs below into a good narrative text!
The old woman said that her sons were Tigers people. If they found a human at home.
they would kill him. But the old woman felt sorry for hum Then she allowed the man to stay at
the house. She warned the man not to make any noise while her sons were at home. The old
woman gave the man some meal She also put the bundle of cloth from the man in a small room
and and ask him to hid himself on the rooftop
This man thanked the old woman then he walked away as fast as he could. He did not stop
until he arrived on the main mad and knew that he was sale. When he looked at his bag he
found that they were worth a thousand times more than the cioth the Tigers people had bought
He returned home as a wealthy man. How happy he was
Once upon a time, there was a man selling clothes from a village to other village. As day
passed, his couldn't sell any clothes. He was very desperate as he wandered and got lost in a
forest It started to be dark in that forest. Then, this man saw a big house
The next morning after the Tigers people went to the forest, the old woman woke up the
man She told him to go as fast as he could before the Tigers people came from the forest. She
gave him the pieces of gold. The old woman showed him the nearest way to the village
When the Tigers came home, those Tigers said, they smelled a human inside the house. The
old woman said that there was no human in the house She told that half an hour ago there was
a man sold cloth and he left his cloth and sarongs behind and went back to sleep in the forest.
She said that the man would pick it back tomorrow. The woman showed a bundle of cloth
Those Tigers people were interested in the fabric and sarongs. They wanted to have one
Every one of them chose a sarong and a headscarf. Those Tigers paid for those things with big
pieces of gold since they did not have money at all
When he knocked the door, an old woman opened the door and asked what he wanted.
The man asked if the old woman allowed him to stay in her house. He would just stay for one
night because the forest was full of tigers He was afraid if those Tigers would eat him. tolong jawab ka sekarang please​

Task 1


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