Task 2 Fill in the blanks with How much or How many 1. sugar do you want in your tea? 2. petrol do you want to buy? 3. brothers and sisters do you have ? 4. players are ther in the football team? 5. … …..students are there in this class? 6. times do you eat in a day?​

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Task 2 Fill in the blanks with How much or How many 1. sugar do you want in your tea? 2. petrol do you want to buy? 3. brothers and sisters do you have ? 4. players are ther in the football team? 5. … …..students are there in this class? 6. times do you eat in a day?​


1. How many sugar do you want in your tea?

2. How much petrol do you want to buy?

3. How many brothers and sisters do you jave?

4. How many players are there in the football team?

5. How many students are there in this class?

6. How many times do you eat in a day?


Many digunakan untuk benda yg biss dihitung (countable noun)

Much digunakan untuk benda yg tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun)