Task 4

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Make dialogues with your friend based on the pictures below.
A: Will you drink a bottle of water?
B: Yes, I will. I'm very thirsty.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you so much.
A: You're welcome.

1. 2 murid lagi bersih" di luar kelas.
2. anak dan Ibu lagi membuat kue

tolong bantu kak plisssssss jawaban nya harus pakai bhs inggris yha​

Task 4


gambar 1.

A : what are you doing?

B : I am watering the flowers.

A : can I help you ?

B : of course,,,thank you.

A : it's OK

gambar 2.

Mom : adi, will you help me ?

Adi : of course mom. what can I do for you ?

Mom : please put the flour on the bowl.

Adi : ok mom. i will do it.

mom : thnak you