Task 6

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Make a dialogue based on each picture and practice them. Also include some expressions
of checking understanding​

Task 6

Task 6


dialog 1=

your teacher = today we have learnd about verbal simple present tense . Do you have any questions?.

students. = no ,ma'am

your teacher= ask me if you don't understand it

student. = yes , ma'am

dialog 2

you. = dad,I can't do my english homework . can you help mu?.

your father= yes,sure. let me read it first . it is easy. you just read it carefully and find the hey words from the text . Do you understand?.

you. = yes, I am ,Dad find the keywords I'II try , Dad

your father= good luck

plisss ikutin ak tambahin ak jdi pertemanan nanti ku balik follow branly mu

dan follow ig ku syahiramar