Task:2 write and ask questions about the news when reading the text ,what questioncome up in your mind if you dpn’t have any.Then try to ask question that the answers of wich are the ones underlined in the text write the question in the spaces below then work in pairs and ask your friends the quetions you have writen

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Task:2 write and ask questions about the news when reading the text ,what questioncome up in your mind if you dpn’t have any.Then try to ask question that the answers of wich are the ones underlined in the text write the question in the spaces below then work in pairs and ask your friends the quetions you have writen


Tugas: 2 menulis dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang berita saat membaca teks, pertanyaan apa yang muncul di benak Anda jika Anda tidak punya. Kemudian coba ajukan pertanyaan yang jawabannya adalah yang digarisbawahi di dalam teks tulis pertanyaan di tempat-tempat di bawah ini kemudian kerjakan berpasangan dan tanyakan kepada teman-teman anda pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah anda tulis.


semoga membantu