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The Islamic classification of the sciences is based upon a hierarchy which has over the centuries formed the matrix and the background of the Muslim educational system. The unity of the sciences has throughout been the first and most central intuition, in the light of which Persuan the different sciences have been studied. Starting from this unarguable intuition of the unity of various disciplines, the sciences have come to be regarded as so many branches of a single tree, which grows and sends forth leaves and fruit in conformity with the nature of the tree itself. Just as a branch of a tree does not continue to grow indefinitely, so any discipline is not to be pursued beyond a certain limit.
1. in how many process has a hierarchy of the islamic classificatiob of the sciences been formed?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

2. in how many characteristic has the intuition of the unity of the sciences been?
A. two
B. thee
C. four
D. five

3. allowing a proper interval between two children can cause
A. an ilegal source of income
B. capacity of the parents
C. health and beauty
D. population growth

plss answer ya:(​


Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. A hierarchy of the islamic classificatiob of the sciences been formed in one process

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

Jawaban: A. one

2. The characteristic has the intuition of the unity of the sciences been in two.

A. two

B. thee

C. four

D. five

Jawaban: A. two

3. Allowing a proper interval between two children can cause population growth

A. an ilegal source of income

B. capacity of the parents

C. health and beauty

D. population growth

Jawaban: D. population growth


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