Teks pidato bahasa inggris singkat

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Teks pidato bahasa inggris singkat

First of to all let’s us give thanks for always kept in Allah SWT who has given grace and also health so that we can assemble this simple place yng aims weeks to discuss about the environment.

Then shalwa berangkaikan never bored greeting we had given to the lord of nature spirits that great prophet Muhammad.

Environment is one thing that is very important for the survival of mankind and should for us to take good care. Our country is a country that has tremendous natural wealth. Indonesian forest long ago have become the lungs of the world and became one of the foundations of the environmental balance in the entire world. When developed countries smoke because their industries, then our country clean up the pollution with green forests that exist in many areas.

However, now we have to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we have is being lost due to illegal logging and forest fires. If the deforestation continues, it is not impossible if we are going to lose the forest and eventually global warming will continue to increase.

When the forest we have started getting damaged, I believe that one day we no longer could feel the fresh air and the cool breeze at noon time. Our country will turn into a very hot country and tortured. Weather changes are present in this country can not be predicted and the arrival of the dry season would be more quickly and last longer. Are we willing to lose if the Indonesian forests and turn into like that? Of course not.

For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our environment. Thank’s for attention, I desist Wassalamu’alaikum

Artinya dalam bahasa Indonesiaa :


Pertama-tama marilah kita senantisa selalu bersyukur atas kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan juga kesehatannya sehingga kita dapat berkumpul ditempat yang sederhana ini yng bertujuan utuk membahas tentang lingkungan hidup.

Kemudian shalwa berangkaikan salam tidak pernah bosannya kita hadiahkan kepada roh junjungan alam yakni nabi besar Muhammad SAW.

Lingkungan adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup umat manusia dan sudah seharusnya bagi kita untuk merawatnya dengan baik. Negara kita ini merupakan negara yang memiliki kekayaan alam luar biasa. Hutan Indonesia sejak dahulu sudah menjadi paru-paru dunia dan menjadi salah satu fondasi keseimbangan lingkungan yang ada di seluruh dunia. Ketika negara-negara maju mengeluarkan asap karena industri yang dimilikinya, maka negara kita membersihkan polusi tersebut dengan hutan-hutan hijau yang ada di banyak wilayah.

Kendati demikian, sekarang ini kita harus mengambil sebuah tindakan untuk menyelamatkan hutan kita. Paru-paru dunia yang kita miliki ini sedang menuju kehancuran karena adanya penebangan liar dan juga kebakaran hutan. Apabila kerusakan hutan tersebut terus berlanjut, bukan tidak mungkin jika kita akan kehilangan hutan dan pada akhirnya pemanasan global akan terus meningkat.

Ketika hutan kita sudah mulai semakin rusak, saya percaya bahwa suatu saat kita tidak lagi bisa merasakan udara segar dan sejuknya angin di waktu siang hari. Negara kita akan berubah menjadi negara yang panas dan sangat menyiksa. Perubahan cuaca yang hadir di negara ini tidak dapat diprediksi dan kedatangan musim kemarau akanlebih cepat dan berlangsung lebih lama. Apakah kita rela apabila Indonesia kehilangannya hutannya dan berubah menjadi seperti itu? Tentu saja tidak.

Untuk itu marilah senantiasa kita selalu menjaga lingkungan kita terutama menjaga lingkungan kita. terima kasih atas perhatiannya, saya akhiri Wassalamu’alaikum

Pidato Bahasa Inggris : Narkoba (Drugs) + Terjemahan

 Ahmad Fathoni 

Pidato Bahasa Inggris ~ Belajar bahasa Inggris pada kesempatan kali ini akan menghadirkan contoh naskah pidato bahasa Inggris berjudul "Narkoba (Drugs)" dan juga terjemahannya. Contoh naskah pidato bahasa Inggris tentang narkoba ini sengaja penulis   tulis untuk membantu teman-teman dalam menyusun sebuah pidato. Teman-teman juga bisa menyimak cara pembuatan pidato di Membuat Pidato Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.Check this out!!!

Pidato Bahasa Inggris – Narkoba

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Honorable ones the juries, the participant of English speech contest, and all audiences.

Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this place. And let’s deliver sholawat andsalam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right path.

Ladies and gentlemen

Drug? What is that? I am sure you all already know, and may be better than me about what drug is and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Drugs actually are medicine for anesthetize patients in surgery. But that perception was misapplied by some people.

Drugs have been misapplied by some people for a long time. Some people which use drugs beyond the medical treatment consider that drugs can make them feel better when they facing some problems , make them feel easy to find new brilliant ideas or just for a pleasure.

I am sure you will never forget the accident in Tugu Tani, Jakarta, when a drugs user, Apriliani, drove her car with high speed and hit the pedestrians in a Tugu Tani bus stop. The recent tragedy in Pondok Indah where a man with the influence of drugs drove his car and hit many people on the road is another example. It obviously proofs that in the effect of drugs, hallucination of the drugs user is bigger than other normal people. They cannot distinguish between the real world and the hallucination world and consider all things in around them are like a dream and not real.

The effect of drugs are not only dangerous for drugs user themselves but also people surrounding. For the users, drugs are so risky because they may lead to overdoses, HIV/AIDS and brain or mental damage. Drugs are also dangerous for the people surrounding as it has already mentioned above. The dangers of consuming drugs open our eyes that the usage of drugs beyond the medical treatments is profitless. Because drugs just lead us in the destruction for the users themselves and for other people surrounding.

Dear ladies and gentlemen

But it is so sad, if we hear many of our young generations consume the drugs such as Heroin, cokain, Koplo, dextron, extacy, or marijuana . They merely consume drugs to get drunk, enjoyment, and temporal satisfaction without consider the risks.

As moslems we have the guidance from the holy qur’an that drinking alcoholic drink is forbiden, and it is bad action, and despicable deed, as Allah Said in the holy qur'an : "ya ayyuhalladzina amanu innamal khomru walmaysir wal anshob wal azlam rijsummin amalisyton fajtanibuhu laalakum tuflihun." It means : "oh ye the believers actually alcoholic drink, gambling, and draw destiny is despicable from the evil’s action so avoid them, may be you will be the pleasure people.(almaidah verse : 90)"

Because the drugs or the alcoholic drink is so dangerous for our health, for our body, for our future. So we must keep a way from it. we must avoid it. Don’t try to consume it, don’t try to sell or buy it. Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I say:

WasalamualaikumWr. Wb.