Temukan kalimat tensis yg ada didalam kalimat diatastrimakasih

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Temukan kalimat tensis yg ada didalam kalimat diatastrimakasih

Temukan kalimat tensis yg ada didalam kalimat diatastrimakasih

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temukan kalimat tensis yg ada didalam kalimat diatas

Simple Present Tense

  • Buffalo are big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge horns.
  • African buffalo live in herds of several hundred-usually near water, as they love to wallow in mud.
  • Water buffalo are found in the wetter areas of Asia.(Passive)

Present Perfect Tense

  • Humans have never managed to tame them.
  • Water buffalo have been domesticated for 3,000 years.(Passive)


Simple Present Tense  

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta /kebenaran umum (general truth), kebiasaan (habitual action), atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini (present). Simple present tense paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris karena digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari.  


Verbal sentences:  

(+) Subject + Verb1 s/es  

(-) Subject + do/does + not + Verb1  

(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb1?  

Nominal sentence:  

(+) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  

(-) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  

(?) To be (is/am/are) +Subject + Object/Complement?  


1. (+)  Susi brings her dictionary  

  (-)  Susi does not bring her dictionary  

  (?) Does Susi bring her dictionary?

2. (+) My father drinks a cup of coffee every morning

   (-) My father does not drink a cup of coffee every morning

   (?) Does My father drink a cup of coffee every morning?

3. (+) Amy often swims in the swimming pool

   (-) Amy does not often swim in the swimming pool

   (?) Does Amy often swim in the swimming pool?

4. (+) You usually go to bed at 9

   (-) You do not usually go to bed at 9?

   (?) Do you usually go to bed at 9?

5. (+) She often buys dresses in that supermarket.

   (-) She does not often buy dresses in that supermarket.

   (?) Does she often buy dresses in that supermarket?

Cara menambahkan akhiran s atau es pada kata kerja:

  • Akhiran -es ditambahkan pada kata kerja (verb) yang berhuruf akhir -ch (catches), -s (kisses), -sh (brushes), -x (fixes), -z (whizzes)
  • Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan pada kata kerja (veb) yang berhuruf akhir -y yang didahului oleh huruf mati dan akan berubah menjadi -i jika mendapat tambahan akhiran -es tersebut. contoh: study=studies, carry=carries, try=tries.
  • Sedangkan bila -y didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka kerja itu hanya akan mendapat akhiran -s. contoh :pay-pays, say=says
  • Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan khusus bagi kata kerja do dan go. contoh: do=does, go=goes

Keterangan Waktu Simple Pesent Tense:

  • always = selalu
  • every = tiap
  • often = sering
  • usually = biasanya
  • seldom = jarang
  • rarely = jarang- jarang
  • generally = pada umumnya
  • frequently = seringkali
  • sometimes = kadang-kadang
  • ever = pernah
  • never = tak pernah

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense merupakan suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lalu tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Tense ini terdiri dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau) dan bingkai waktu present (masa sekarang).

Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir di masa lampau tetapi efeknya masih dirasakan sampai saat sekarang. Lebih singkatnya, tense ini digunakan sebagai penghubung antara masa lalu dan masa sekarang.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense dibentuk dengan  auxiliary verb have atau has  dan past participle (verb 3). Have berpasangan dengan subjek  I, You, We, dan They sedangkan Has digunakan untuk subjek He, She, dan It.


I/You/We/They + have + verb 3

He/She/It + has + verb 3


I/You/We/They + have + not + verb 3

He/She/It + has + not + verb 3


Have + I/You/We/They + verb 3?

Has + He/She/It + verb 3?


1. (+) They have lived in Kuala Simapang for a long time

   (-) They have not lived in Kuala Simpang for a long time

   (?)Have they lived in Kuala Simpang for a long time?

2. (+) He has learned English for one  

    (-) He has not learned English for one year

    (?) Has he learned English for one year?

3. (+) I have written a poem

    (-) I have not written a poem

    (?) Have I written a poem?

4. (+) He has done his homework

   (-) He has not done his homework

   (?) Has he done his homework?

5. (+) They have played football

   (-) They have not  played football

   (?) Have  they played football?


Materi tentang simple present:

Materi tentang Present perfect tense:brainly.co.id/tugas/2388717



Kelas : 8  

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 4

Kode : 8.5.4

Kata Kunci : simple present  dan present perfect