terjemahkan cerita berikut i went to a botanical garden.it was large,landscaped parks where plants were grown for scientific purpose and for public display.people could stroll down flowers bordered paths or sat on branches and admired the beautiful plants.most of the plants were labeled with their popular as well as their scientific names.

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terjemahkan cerita berikut i went to a botanical garden.it was large,landscaped parks where plants were grown for scientific purpose and for public display.people could stroll down flowers bordered paths or sat on branches and admired the beautiful plants.most of the plants were labeled with their popular as well as their scientific names.

Aku pergi ke sebuah taman botani. Taman itu besar, taman di mana tanaman ditanam untuk tujuan ilmiah dan untuk tampilan publik. orang bisa berjalan-jalan di perbatasan bunga atau duduk di cabang dan mengagumi tanaman yang indah. sebagian besar tanaman diberi label dengan populer mereka serta nama ilmiah mereka.