Terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia here are what we will do we wilk work in groups first we will read the situations carefully second we will discuss and decide what the speaker in each conversations would say third every one of us will handwrite the conversations on a plece of paper finally we will play the roles of the speakers in the conversation

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Terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia here are what we will do we wilk work in groups first we will read the situations carefully second we will discuss and decide what the speaker in each conversations would say third every one of us will handwrite the conversations on a plece of paper finally we will play the roles of the speakers in the conversation


Ini yg akan kita kerjakan, kita akan kerjakan secara berkelompok

  1. Baca dulu situasi secara baik
  2. Lalu diskusikan dan putuskan setiap orng mau ngomong apa di percakapannya
  3. Semua orng dari kelompok akan menulis percakapan di kertas
  4. Terakhir kita akan bermain sesuai peran yg ada dipercakapan


Jadi intinya itu kmu disuruh buat kelompok abis tu buat dialog percakapan sama kelompok yg udh dibuat. Kalo udh selesai dipraktein sama kelompoknya.

Semoga membantu ^^