Terjemahkan ke dalam bhs. inggris kalimat di bawah ini.

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1. saya telah menulis sebuah surat ketika ibuku memberiku segelas air
2. kue itu dibuat oleh saya, kue ku saya beri pada teman perempuan ku, dia menyukainya dan minta diberi lagi
3. kemarin saya kerumah ibumu tapi sebelum itu saya melihat seorang anak laki-laki bermain di pinggir rumah temanku
4. ayah mereka pergi ke rumah temannya, setelah itu dia membeli apel dan membawanya pulang.
5. dia laki-laki memberi ibunya kue, rumahnya bagus dan kakak perempuannya memberinya mobil.
*mohon bantuannya yahh !

Terjemahkan ke dalam bhs. inggris kalimat di bawah ini.

1. I wrote a letter when my mother gave me a glass of water.

2. The cake made by me, i gave my cake to my friend, and she likes it, and asked for the cake again.

3. Yesterday, I went to your mother's home, but before that i saw a boy playing on the side of my friend's home.

4. Their father went to his friend's home, after that he bought apple and bought/took it home.

5. He gave his mother a cake, his home is nice, and his older sister gave him car.

semoga membantu:)

Jawabannya adalah : 

1. I was writing a letter when my mother gave me a glass of water.
2. That cake was made by me, I gave my cake to my girl friend (teman bukan pacar), she liked it and asked for more.
3. I went to your mother's house yesterday, but before that I saw a boy playing next to my friend's house.
4. Their father went to his friend's house, after that he bought some apples and brought them home.
5. He gave his mother a cake, he has a nice house and his older sister gave him a car/gave her a car(bila utk ibunya)

maaf disini ada yang kurang jelas dan kurang nyambung jadi bila ada yang salah dipahami olehku mohon maaf. 

Semoga Membantu 😀