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Mr. and Mrs. Wilsan on le kept a lag monkey he had broughat from Kalimantan.They monkey was very faltuful to her master and was very friendly to their baby girl.

One day Mr. and Mrs. Wilson wen out to attent a weding ceremony.They had trusted as a baby sister.Suddenly a fire broke out in the house then doar and staircase were already on fire all the neighbours looked sadly at the windows of the room where the baby girl slept in somebody ran for a ladder to reach the windows,but it was no use now.

Just then they saw ablck hand open the windows uptairs then came out the monkey with the baby girl in her arms,Down she climed slowly and carre fully she brought the baby out safely


Kalimat pertama skip* . Monyet mereka sangat setia kepada tuannya dan dekat dwngan bayi perempuan mereka.

Suatu harj , tuan dan nyonya wilson pergi ke pesta pernikahan. Mereka telah mempercayakan seorang penjaga bayi. Tiba" api menyambar dari rumah itu, pontu" dan tangga" sudah terkena api semua trtangga melihat ke arah jendela dimana si bayi perempuan tidur dengan sedih dan seseorsng mencoba menggunakan tangga, tapi itu tidak berguna sekarang.

Ketika merwka melihat tangan hitam yang membuka jendelalalu keluarlah monyet dengn bayi perempuan itu dilengannya, dan membawa turun si nayi dengan selamat