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Posted on

Dear Ratna,
Please attend our house. warning party at my house, Jl. Dirgantara no.24. on sunday , october 29,2017.
There will be lots of food and drinks
RSVP : Andita (09988777766665)

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Hello, guys
After a hard week of examination, its time to relax
Come to our class barbecue party
Venue: Andien's house, Jl. Mawar no.43
Day & date : Saturday, December 23, 2017
Time : 7 p.m.
Contribution : only Rp15.000
For confirmation, please contact Andien or Restu, time December 16,2017.

Tolong cepet ya dikumpulkan besok terima kasih

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Text 1
1. our house
3.Ratna's house.
4. Sunday, october 29, 2017
5. Andita (09988777766665)
text 2
2. a Examinition.
3.Andien's house, Jl. Mawar no.43
4. only Rp 15.000
Yang kosong itu aku nggak tau.
maaf kalau salah.