Text spoof pendek bahasa inggris dan artinya
Magic Mirror
Three girls come inside a museum. The first is an ugly girl, the second is a fat girl and the last is a blonde dumb girl. They come close to a magic mirror which could make you disappear when tell a lie in front of it. The first girl says, "I think I'm pretty", then puff! she's disappear. The second girl says, "I think I'm slim", and puff! she's disappear. the third girl says, "I think..," and puff! she's disappear.
Cermin Ajaib
Tiga org anak perempuan pergi mengunjungi sebuah museum. gadis pertama adalah si jelek, kedua adalah si gendut, dan ketiga adalah si pirang bodoh. mereka bertiga menghampiri sebuah cermin ajaib yg saat seseorang berbicara bohong di depannya maka dia akan menghilangkan. gadis pertama berkata, "aku pikir aku cantik" tiba2 puff! dia mnghilang. gadis kedua berkata "Aku pikir aku langsing," dan puff! dia mnghilang. Gadis ketiga berkata, "Aku pikir…" dan puff! dia menghilang.
(look ahead for high school science 2 book)