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What is a thanking or gratitude?
It an expression used to express that you are pleased about or are grateful for something that they have done.
The following are expressions used to thank and their responses:

Thanks a million
Thank you very much
Thank you so much
I`d like to show my gratitude
I want to express my gratitude
I can`t thank you enough
You`re welcome
Don`t mention it
My pleasure
That`s O.K.
No problem
Not at all
It was the least I could do

Dialog 1
Siska : Bella, may I borrow your pen?
Bella : Sure, you can.
Siska : Thank you, Bella.
Bella : You`re welcome.
Dialog 2
Salsa : Thank you for helping me fixing my bicycle.
Sandra : No problem.
Salsa : Because you have helped a lot, I`ll buy you a glass of orange juice.
Sandra : You came at the right time. I am thirsty. Thanks Salma.

Complete this following dialog with suitable expressions.
Sita : Risa, this is present for you. I hope you like it.
Risa : Oh, this is wonderful._________________.
Sita : _______________________.
Mitha : Mitha, please wait!
Ayu : what`s the matter, Ayu?
Mitha : This is your electronic dictionary. It fell when you alighted from the bus.
Ayu : _____________________________.
Mitha : _____________________________.

di jawab dengan benar✅


a.) Risa : Oh, this is wonderful. Thanks, for giving me this present.

Sita : My pleasure.

b.) Ayu : Thank you so much, i appreciate it.

Mitha : No problem, it's nice for me to helping each other.

Maaf klo salah, kalimat setelah kalimat “THANKING or GRATITUDE” bisa diganti atau diubah sesuai kemauan sendiri 🙂 Terima kasih.