The 2018 Asian Games, officially known as the 18th Asian Games and also known as Jakarta Palembang 2018, is a pan-Asian multi-sport event scheduled to be held from 18 August to 2 September 2018 in the Indonesian cities of Jakarta and Palembang.

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For the first time, the Asian Games are being co-hosted in two cities; the Indonesian capital of Jakarta (which is hosting the Games for the first time since 1962), and Palembang, the capital of the South Sumatra province. Events will be held in and around the two cities, including venues in Bandung and province of West Java and Banten. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will be held at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium in Jakarta.

Also for the first time, eSports and canoe polo will be contested as demonstration sports. eSports is expected to be a medal event at the 2022 Asian Games.

1. What's interesting about the ASEAN GAMES ?

2. Why is the ASEAN GAMES event very important?

The 2018 Asian Games, officially known as the 18th Asian Games and also known as Jakarta Palembang 2018, is a pan-Asian multi-sport event scheduled to be held from 18 August to 2 September 2018 in the Indonesian cities of Jakarta and Palembang.

1. cause ASEAN GAMES unites the asian atheletes, it is such a big and friendly event. and the special one, ASEAN GAMES are being co hosted in two cities on this year

2. Cause ASEAN GAMES can be used as a media to compare the level of sports by each country

kalau merasa terbantu minta tolong dijadikan brainliest answer yah..