The Birao Building (Lawang Satus).

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The Birao Building is one of the cultural heritages in Tegal City. This building is located on Pancasila Street, in front of the Pancasila Monument and close to legal City Square and train station.

The Birao Building was first designed in 1911 by a prominent Dutch descent architect named Henri Maclaine Pont. The building was influenced by most Dutch architectures. The size of the building is 7 106 square meters which expands from east to west.

Previously, this building was functioned as the office of the private railway company Semarang- Cheribon Stoomtram Matschappu (SCS), a subsidiary of the Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS) Company. The building was used an administrative place related to the railway company, during the construction of the Cirebon-Semarang railway line.

The construction of the Birao Building was adjusted to the environmental conditions, as it is in Lawang Sewu The building was designed in such a way to suit the climate sunshine, and lifestyle of the local people at that time. Unlike Europeans who preferred to use imported materials, Maclaine Pont used local materials such as teak, bricks, and local sand to build the building The architect deliberately made the shape of the Birao Building similar to the NIS headquarters in Semarang, Lawang Sewu. It has many wide doors and windows with less numbers. So people called it Lawang Satus.

The Birao building became a silent witness to the history of the Dutch East Indies period. After the Proclamation, on 10 September 1945, this building was used as a place to raise the Indonesian flag. It proved the movement of the Tegal local people against the invaders who forbade the raising of the flag at that time. In 1980, the Birao Building was leased by Pancasakti Tegal Foundation. The foundation then used it as the campus of Pancasakti Tegal University (UPS). Some years later after the lease expired, Tegal City Government renovated the building and made it as a cultural heritage and one of the tourism objects in Tegal City.

1.the text mainku tocuses on
a.tegal city
b.henri maclaine pont
c.the birao building
d.cultural heritage in Tegal city
e.the Pancasila monument

2.what is the tunction of birao y durung colonial government?
a.a military department
b.a university campus
c.a railway station office of private railway company office of government railway company

3.why the building is called Lawang Sewu
a.because it has 100 doors
b.because is identical with Lawang Sewu
c.because it was built in 1911
d.because it has the same architect as Lawang Sewu
e.because is becomes a cultural heritage

4.birao building was leased by Pancasakti Tegal fondation and used as the campus of Pancasakti Tegal university.
the underline word has the same meaning with

5.i he tourth paragraph tell us about…
a.the history of the birao building
b.the location of the birao building
c.the architect of the birao building
d.the function the birao building
e.the structure the birao building

6.identity whether the stateman is true or false
A.the birao building was formerly function university campus (true or false)
B.the architect of the birao building structure with Lawang Sewu (true or false)
C.the birao building has identical structure Lawang Sewu (true or false)
D.the birao building now is used to conduct flag caremony (true or false)
E.the birao building was office of railway company (true/false)

The Birao Building (Lawang Satus).

The Birao Building (Lawang Satus).


1. C

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. – A . False

– B. True

– C. False

– D. True

– E. False


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