The birth of facebook …(1) recently potrayed in the film the social network.

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mark elliot zuckerbug was born on may 14, 1985, in white plains, new york, into a comfortable, well- …(2) family, and …(3) in the nearby village of dobbs ferry. his father, edward zuckerberg, ran a dental practice attached to the family's home. his mother, karen, …(4) as a psychiatrist before the birth of the couple's four children-mark, ranfi,dinna and arielle.

1. b.are d.was e.were
2. educated b.educate c.educating e.educated
3. a.raises b.raise raise d.raising e.raised
4. c.working d.worked e.unworked

The birth of facebook …(1) recently potrayed in the film the social network.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. The birth of facebook are recently portrayed in the film the social network (B)
2. ..well-education family,.. (D)
3. , and raised in the nearby village of dobbs ferry. (E)
4. His mother, karen, unworked as a psychiatrist before the birth the couple's four children-mark, ranfi, dinna and arielle (E)

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