The disadvantages of technology ( minimum 3 ) Tx

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The disadvantages of technology ( minimum 3 )


disadvantages of technology:

  • Data Security
  • Crime and Terrorism
  • Complexity


  • Digital technology means that vast amounts of data can be collected and stored. This can be private information concerning individuals or organizations. It can be very difficult to keep this data safe. Just a single breach can mean vast amounts of private information going into the hands of criminals, terrorists, foreign enemies, or other malign entities.
  • The internet is fertile territory for malevolent forces to operate, thanks to its international nature, large scale, and the relative anonymity that users can enjoy. Examples of this include: terrorists using social media to promote themselves and encourage others; drug dealers using the dark web to trade; pedophiles using chat rooms and other places to exchange photos, videos and other information; and authoritarian regimes attempting to sway or distort elections in democratic countries
  • Fixing a modern car now means interacting with a computer, it is no longer just mechanical. Using a phone can involve tackling all sorts of complicated settings. Minor glitches in a laptop can cost both time and expense.