The facts that deforestation causes many negative impacts on environment should become our concern. Deforestation vividly leads human and other living creatures into a great disaster. Therefore, deforestation should be stopped as soon as possible.

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The facts that deforestation causes many negative impacts on environment should become our concern. Deforestation vividly leads human and other living creatures into a great disaster. Therefore, deforestation should be stopped as soon as possible.

Fakta bahwa deforestasi itu sendiri menyebabkan banyak dampak negatif pada lingkungan harus menjadi perhatian kami. Deforestasi jelas memimpin manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya menjadi bencana besar. Oleh karena itu, deforestasi harus dihentikan secepat mungkin.
Dari ayat di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa fungsi sosial teks adalah…

Semangat oke ….
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