The following text is for number 21-25!

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Two Brothers
Long ago, there were two brothers called Akomi and Ombah. They were ambitious and
winning. Akomi, the elder brother, said, "If we become the King's employees, we can make laws
to collect more money from the people. We will become very rich."
They went to see King Aruya. Akomi said, "Your Majesty, let us be your ministers. We will
make good laws. All your subjects will be happy. I am wise and clever. I know everything.
King Aruya said angrily, "That is not true! Nobody knows everything. For example, do you
know how many stars there are in the sky? Guards! Throw this liar into the river of crocodiles!"
Ombah's hands trembled. Then he thought to himself, "King Aruya will also punish me if I say the
wrong thing. My brother said he knew everything and his answer was wrong. So if I say the opposite,
my answer will be right." Ombah then said, to King Aruya, "Your majesty, I know nothing."
King Aruya said, "That is also a lie. Nobody knows nothing, truly! Everybody knows at least
something. For example, you know your father's name, don't you? Guards! Throw him into the
river of crocodiles, too!"
21. The two brother's ambition was to ……
A. become rich
B. become ministers
C. help the King make good laws
D. make the King's subjects happy
22. King Aruya called Akomi a liar because Akomi …
A. knew everything
B. made him angry
C. did not tell the truth

The following text is for number 21-25!


