The following text is for question 1-3

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How to stop nose bleeding
(1) First, loosen the clothing around your neck.
(2) Put a cotton pad in the bleeding nostril.
(3) Then sit down with your head leaning forward
(4) Squeeze your nose until it stops bleeding.
(5) If your nose continues to bleed, call a doctor.
ing to do to stop nose bleeding is …
1. From the text we know that the last thing to do to stop nose
A See a doctor for professional help
B. Change the cotton pad in the nostril
C. Lay down on the floor to stop bleeding
D. Keep on squeezing the bleeding nostril
2. From the text we are suggested that we should …
A. Not lean backward when have nose bleeding
B. Call a doctor immediately in a case of nose bleeding
C. Squeeze your nose until it stops bleeding
D. Never put a cotton pad in a bleeding nostril
3. "… until it stops bleeding."
The underlined word refrers to…
A. Head
C. Nose
B. Cloth
D. Cotton​

The following text is for question 1-3


1. A

2. A

3. C

I'm sorry if it's wrong.

Hope this can help you.