The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea, travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues to west through numerous provinces. It winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain for thousands of miles. Smaller walls extend from the main wall.

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According to conservative  estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400 miles. Its thickness rangers from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet. The Great Wall has been considered as one of the world’s wonders. The Great Wall is undeniably one of humankind’s most prominent and enduring architectural feats. It is a testament to people’s ability to plan, organize, create and work diligently together. The wall is a monument to the Chinese civilizations, one that came at great costs and through countless sacrifices.

13. Where is the Great Wall located?
a. China
b. Hong Kong
c. Taiwan
d. Macau
e. Mongolia

14. How Thick is the Great Wall?
a. 15-25 feet wide
b. 10-25 feet wide
c. 15-30 feet wide
d. 15-35 feet wide
e. 15-20 feet wide

15. Where does the Great Wall begin?
a. in the south at the yellow Sea
b. in the north at the Red Sea
c. in the south-east at the Yellow Sea
d. in the north west at the Yellow Sea
e. in the east at the Yellow Sea

The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea, travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and continues to west through numerous provinces. It winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain for thousands of miles. Smaller walls extend from the main wall.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Descriptive Text

13. Where is the Great Wall located?

=> a. China  

14. How Thick is the Great Wall?

=> c. 15-30 feet wide

15. Where does the Great Wall begin?

=> e. in the east at the Yellow Sea


13. Where is the Great Wall located?

=> a. China   (Jawaban tertera pada paragraph ke satu di baris ke satu)

14. How Thick is the Great Wall?

=> c. 15-30 feet wide  ( Jawaban tertera pada paragraph ke dua di baris ke dua)

15. Where does the Great Wall begin?

=> e. in the east at the Yellow Sea ( Jawaban tertera pada paragraph ke satu di baris ke dua)

Descriptive Text merupakan salah satu jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan dengan jelas sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu, baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan mau pun benda mati. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah memberikan informasi dengan jelas mengenai objek yang digambarkan kepada pembaca.  

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text  

  • Identification => bagian ini, terletak pada paragraf pertama, tujuannya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi suatu objek yang ingin dideskripsikan. Indentification berfungsi untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang objek yang akan kita jelaskan, sebelum kita memberitahu tentang lebih rinci mengenai objek tersebut pada paragraf selanjutnya.
  • Description => bagian ini, terletak pada paragraf kedua dan seterusnya, berisi tentang sifat-sifat yang melekat pada sesuatu yang sudah kamu kenalkan pada pembaca pada paragraf pertama.  

Language Features of Descriptive Text  

  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense  
  • Menggunakan banyak kata sifat (adjective).  
  • Menggunakan kata kerja penghubung (relating verb).  


Materi tentang descriptive text  

Materi tentang descriptive text  

Materi tentang descriptive text  



Kelas : 8  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 3  

Kode: 8 .5.3  
