the incident of 10 november 1945 in surabaya was due to the allied forces ultimatum on 9th november. the ultimatum contained…. a. all paramilitary troops and fighters had to leave surabaya city immediately…b. ownerd of firearms had to report to the dutch c. fighter and their leaderd had to surrender d. surabaya people had to vacate the city

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the incident of 10 november 1945 in surabaya was due to the allied forces ultimatum on 9th november. the ultimatum contained…. a. all paramilitary troops and fighters had to leave surabaya city immediately…b. ownerd of firearms had to report to the dutch c. fighter and their leaderd had to surrender d. surabaya people had to vacate the city

The answer is
a. all paramillitary troops and fighters had to leave surabaya city immediately

D.surabaya people had to vacate the city