The temperature of a silver bar rises by 10.0 C. When it absorbs 1.23 kJ of energy by heat. The mass of the bar is 525 g. Determine the spesific heat of silver !

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The temperature of a silver bar rises by 10.0 C. When it absorbs 1.23 kJ of energy by heat. The mass of the bar is 525 g. Determine the spesific heat of silver !

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Soal \ {$suhu perak naik sebesar 10^{o}{$C$}$}.{$Ketika menyera 1,23 kJ energi oleh panas. Massa benda 525 gram$}{$Tentukan spesifikasi panas pada perak$}

Diketahui = 
Δt = 10'C
                  m = 525 gram ⇒ 0,525 kg
                  Q = 1,23 kJ ⇒ 1230 J
Ditanya = c..?
Jawab = c = frac{Q}{mtimes Delta t} = frac{1230}{0,525times 10} = frac{1230}{5,25} = 234,85J/kg^{o}C