the thief broke in when everyone (sleep) very soundly. unfortunately, he (trip) over something and (bump) his head on the big cupboard,so my mom and dad (wake) up.with my mom’s help,my father could catch him while he (try) to get up.when l (wake) up because of the noise,l was father (tie) the thiefto the chair,and my mother (call)the police. l’m very pround of my brave parents.​

Posted on

the thief broke in when everyone (sleep) very soundly. unfortunately, he (trip) over something and (bump) his head on the big cupboard,so my mom and dad (wake) up.with my mom’s help,my father could catch him while he (try) to get up.when l (wake) up because of the noise,l was father (tie) the thiefto the chair,and my mother (call)the police. l’m very pround of my brave parents.​

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi



The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping very soundly. unfortunately, he tripped over something and bumped his head on the big cupboard,so my mom and dad woke up. With my mom's help, my father could catch him while he was trying to get up. When l woke up because of the noise, l was surprised. My father was tying the thief to the chair, and my mother was calling the police. l'm very proud of my brave parents.

Note :

Dikarenakan konteks kalimat yang disajikan terjadi di waktu lampau dan merupakan suatu pengalaman, maka, tenses yang digunakan berupa bentuk lampau "past", baik berupa simple past maupun past progressive.  

Penggunaan past progressive "tobe(was/were)+verb-ing" sangat identik merujuk pada 2 kejadian yang berlangsung bersamaan di waktu lampau dengan penanda waktu "when" dan "while." Di satu sisi, kejadian masih dalam proses/sedang berlangsung, di sisi lain kejadian telah diselesaikan.


Simple past tense mendeskripsikan tindakan yang telah dimulai dan diselesaikan juga pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau . Durasi waktu kegiatan tidak ditentukan, bisa saja baru – baru ini telah terjadi dan kejadian yang memang sudah lama terjadi di masa lampau.

Berdasarkan struktur kalimatnya, dibagi 2 jenis yaitu verbal sentence & Nominal sentence .

1. Verbal sentence

  • merupakan struktur kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja. Contoh : eat, run, drink, do, walk, read, watch, swim and etc.

Pattern of Verbal Sentence

(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object/Complement  

(-) Subject + did + not + verb 1 + Object/ Complement

(?) Did+Subject+Verb 1 + Object/Complement ?

2.Nominal sentence

  • memiliki struktur kalimat dimana predikatnya bukan berupa kata kerja. Pada umumnya diikuti kata benda (noun), kata sifat (adjective) dan keterangan ( adverb ).

Pattern of nominal sentence :

(+) Subject + tobe ( was/were ) + noun/adjective/adverb

(-) Subject + tobe(was/were) + not + noun/adjective/adverb  

(?) tobe(was/were)+Subject + noun/adjective/adverb?


( Keterangan waktu identifikasi bentuk simple past)

1. Definite point in time ( waktu penentu jelas )

→ last week, yesterday, two years ago, last night, this morning

Example :


(+ ) She  met her friend this morning.

( – ) She did not meet her friend this morning.

( ? ) Did she meet her friend this morning?


(+ ) I was in Paris last year.

( – ) I was not in Paris last year.

(? ) Was I in Paris last year  ?

2. An indefinite point in time ( dalam waktu yang tidak ditentukan )

→ a long time ago, the other day

Example :


(+ ) He lived with his grandparents  when he was young.    

(- )  He did not live with his grandparents  when he was young.

( ? ) Did he live with his grandparents when he was young?


(+) He was an army  a long time ago      

(- ) He wasn't an army a  long time ago

( ? ) Was he an army a long time ago ?

Past Progressive tense menjelaskan  kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dan masih berlanjut di waktu tertentu pada masa lalu.

Keterangan waktu yang merujuk pada past progressive tense dengan penggunaan penanda kata "when" dan "while."

Pattern/Rumus :

(+) S+tobe(was/were)+verb-ing + C

(-)  S+tobe(was/were)+not+verb-ing+C

(?) Tobe(was/were)+S+verb -ing +C ?

Example :

(+) She was typing a letter when her friends came.

(-) She wasn't typing a letter when her friends came

(?) Was she typing a letter when her friends came?

=> Disimpulkan bahwa dia telah memulai mengetik sebuah surat sebelum teman-temannya datang dan masih tetap berlanjut ketika teman-teman datang dan atupun bahkan pulang.


For more information, learn about the similar topics : ( example of nominal simple past tense ) ( the brief explanation of simple past ) ( past progressive )

Detail Answer

Level          : Jhs  (8)

Subject      : English

Category   : Sentence Structure

Code         : 5

Categorization : 8.5.9

Keywords     =  Simple Past tense ; Past progressive


pencuri masuk ketika semua orang (tidur) sangat nyenyak. sayangnya, dia (tersandung) atas sesuatu dan (menabrak) kepalanya di atas lemari besar, sehingga ibu dan ayahku (bangun). Dengan bantuan ibuku, ayahku bisa menangkapnya ketika dia (mencoba) untuk bangun. (bangun) karena keributan, aku terkejut. Ayahku (dasi) pencuri kursi, dan ibuku (memanggil) polisi. Saya sangat bangga dengan orang tua saya yang pemberani.